
Friday, July 1, 2011

Jalapenos are the flavor of the week. I'm in Texas I think it's almost a requirement or something that I be able to cook with these little devils. Some jalapeno information I've gleened;
It's the seeds and the ribs that contain the bulk of the heat. If you cut those out you cut out the majority of the heat.
Heat sticks. If you cut a jalapeno prepare for the heat juices to be on your fingers until a good good good washing. Some people wear gloves when cooking. I guess this is a good idea. I just don't touch my nose, eyes, or mouth while I'm cutting them up. Really isn't that just good cooking ettiquet. If you're wiping your nose a lot or picking at your eye maybe take a cooking break because eww thats just nasty.
The jalapeno was the first pepper to be taken into space. Why? I have no clue. I also question the person whos job it is to keep track of these things. I could totally do that job.
Five jalapeno recipes to come.


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