How I Roll

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Okay before we begin let me make a couple of things clear.
1. I am not a great cook. There are times I don't even like to cook. Don't come to my house and expect gourmet food. You'll get Cheese Nips.
2. I am not a recipe genius. I don't dream up recipes in my spare time. Don't call me up and say, "I have an apple and a can of olives, what can I do with that." You'll get the number to pizza delivery.
3. I am not a foodie. I don't know how many different types of potatoes grow in North America. Don't expect proper cooking terms. You'll get thingamajig and whatchamacallit.


1. I do love a challenge. I like to try something new and see if I can conquer it. If I can be creative while doing it all the better.
2. I can follow a recipe. Throw a recipe at me and I can usually make it with some tweaks or additions that make it yummy to my family or me.
3. I am trying to impress my family. I can't promise success but I get a charge when I make something and my family loves it. But if they don't and I do, it's still a win.

So, my plan with this is a new feature flavor each week. I'm going to try three to five different recipes featuring that flavor and I'll share here. I'll post the recipe, and give credit if I got it from someone. I'll share what I learned and tell you if I liked it or my family liked it or if miracle upon miracle we all liked it. I'll even try to post pictures but I am not going to go all picture crazy. Seriously, if you need a picture of someone measuring a teaspoon of salt then you'll be disappointed.


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